This article includes the 2024 limits and rates for common taxes, retirement, and benefit plans along with the Federal Reserve bank holiday schedule.
Tax Rates
Here are the 2024 tax rates for Federal taxes with limits:
Social Security
Employee Rate 6.2%
Employer Rate 6.2%
Limit $168,600
Employee Rate 1.45%
Employer Rate 1.45%
Limit No limit
Additional Medicare
Employee Rate .9%
Employer Rate 0.00%
Limit Begins once employee reaches over $200,000 in taxable Medicare wages
Employee Rate 0.00%
Employer Rate .6%
Limit $7,000
Retirement Plan Limits
Here are the 2024 Retirement Plan limits for most retirement plans:
401(k), 403(b), and SARSEP
Maximum Deferral $23,000
Catch-up Limit (over 50 years old) $7,500
Eligible Wage Limit $345,000
Maximum Deferral $23,000
Catch-up Limit (over 50 years old) $7,500
Eligible Wage Limit $345,000
Maximum Deferral $16,000
Catch-up Limit (over 50 years old) $3,500
Eligible Wage Limit $345,000
Defined Benefit Plan (SEP-IRA)
Maximum Deferral $69,000
Catch-up Limit (over 50 years old) $0.00
Eligible Wage Limit $275,000
Other considerations for Retirement plans are compensation limits:
Highly Compensated
Officer Compensation
Key Employee – 1% Owner
SEP Coverage
Benefit Plan Limits
Here are the 2024 limits for benefit plans:
Health Saving Account (HSA) – Self
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $4,150
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $1,000
Health Saving Account (HSA) – Family
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $8,300
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $1,000
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – Health
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $3,200
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $0.00
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – Dependent Care
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $5,000
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $0.00
Qualified Transportation Benefit (QTB) – Parking
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $315 Monthly
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $0.00
Qualified Transportation Benefit (QTB) – Transit
Limit (Employee & Employer combined) $315 Monthly
Catch-up Limit (over 55 years old) $0.00
Here is additional information about the Affordable Care Act:
Federal Poverty Level
Affordability Percentage
PFL Maximum Monthly Contribution
Bank Holidays
Here is the 2024 Federal Reserve Bank holiday schedule. The following rule applies to all holidays:
New Year Day: 1/1/2024
Martin Luther King Birthday: 1/15/2024
Presidents Day: 2/19/2024
Memorial Day: 5/27/2024
Juneteenth: 6/19/2024
4th of July/Independence Day: 7/4/2024
Labor Day: 9/2/2024
Columbus Day: 10/14/2024
Veterans Day: 11/11/2024
Thanksgiving Day: 11/28/2024
Christmas Day: 12/25/2024
Note: If holiday falls on Saturday, Federal Reserve will be open on Friday. If holiday falls on Sunday, Federal Reserve will be closed on Monday.