October 25, 2023; Jeremy Hartnett
Importance of Pension & Retirement Plans in Your Department
It's time we take action to address the issue of inadequate retirement preparation for firefighters. These brave men and women put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities, yet many of them are not provided with the necessary financial security for retirement.
The solution is clear: we must offer pension plans and retirement plans to firefighters. These plans are not only important but essential for providing a stable income source for retirees, especially for those who may have health issues related to their demanding work.
Providing pension plans and retirement plans can also help to retain high-quality firefighters who are integral to the safety of our communities. It's simple: when firefighters know they will be taken care of in retirement, they are more likely to stay with their departments for the long term, reducing turnover and ensuring that we have the best possible protection.
It's time we invest in our firefighters and prioritize their financial security. By implementing pension plans and retirement plans for firefighters, we can ensure that they can continue to serve and protect us for years to come. It's not only the right thing to do, but it's also a smart financial decision for departments and communities alike.